Friday, January 13, 2017

Introduction to Using the Internet in the Classroom

Describe two key trends that accelerate the adoption of technology in Higher Education and the implications of these trends

The key trend accelerating the adoption of technology in Higher Education that stood out to me is Increasing the use of blended learning designs. By integrating face to face education with online technology, instructors can teach lessons and get real time feedback about a students' retention while tracking their success and engagement in the learning process.  According to the NMC Horizon Report, over a five year period, The University of Massachusetts followed students learning in both tradition classroom setting and  learning in a blended environment.  The study found the students were more engaged in the blended environment, which led to increased active learning and ultimately had more success. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation reviewed 20 similar studies that showed similar results. The implications of these studies would be that Higher Education institutions will continue to implement more and more blended learning designs, in hopes of increased success for their students.

A second key trend accelerating the adoption of technology in Higher Education is rethinking  how Institutions work. The ever growing internet and the ease of access have opened the doors to a world of learning outside of the traditional classroom. Students have a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips and universities have begun to change to the way lessons are taught because students have an expectation that gathering this knowledge is best done through digital channels. There is also a recognition by students that they will work in an environment where technology (i.e computers) plays an important role.  Because of this, colleges and universities are adopting more technology to meet the expectations of the students. The implications of rethinking how institutions work include a need for flexible legislative procedures and policies.  This would include opening the doors to make financial aid more easily accessible for student who work towards a degree using online classes.  Another implication of this trend is the breakdown of tradition walls between disciplines and working towards an interdisciplinary community, where students from across many disciplines can come together and work across several different fields.

Describe two challenges that impede adoption of technology in Higher Education
 and the implications of these challenges

Improving Digital Literacy is a major challenge as Higher Education institutions work to adopt and implement more technology into the classroom.  According to eh NMC Horizon Report, the biggest challenge here is that there does not appear to be a consensus among higher learning institutions about what constitutes Digital Literacy.  According to a study by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, here in the United States one in four millennials want to improve their digital literacy and 37% say the internet is scary.  The study found that the United States is ranked nearly last in the world for digital literacy. This challenge shows that lawmakers, stakeholders and policy makers need to do a better job at equipping students with effective methods of increasing digital literacy to help students adapt in the fast and ever changing work environment.

Another challenge impeding the adoption of technology in Higher Education is Personalized Learning.  While the need for personalized learning is a known factor in education, the methods to effectively facilitate personalized learning is still in its infancy.  Personalized learning takes into account the different ways students learn.  Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences is a perfect example of the different ways students absorb and master their lessons. With eight different intelligences, tailoring an all inclusive lesson plan that will ultimately ensure that all students will walk away with comparable end result is very difficult. The implications of Personalized Learning include a need for professional development for teachers and faculty as it relates to the technology being used to accommodate the learning.  Also, as the call for more personalized learning increases, there needs to be set standards.  Standards that ensure, that even when students are taking different educational routes, they are ultimately working towards the same educational goals.


  1. Given the fact current traditional higher ed students have had computers throughout their educational careers, I initially found it shocking that digital literacy is an issue. After thinking about it, there is a difference between using and app, social media, or Microsoft office, and using the internet for education. As we all know the internet is not always trustworthy. There is more to digital literacy than getting online and knowing how to use a computer for basic functions.
    As for adopting technology into higher education settings, appears, from the outside looking in, as being limitless. I have been taking online or distance learning course since I began undergrad in 1999. There have been great advancements, but nothing compared to the advancements of technology in that time.

    I wonder what the data is on use of distance learning. Not just the number of courses or degree programs offered, but the utilization of the courses, the completion rates, the rate of passing professional certifications and exams for certification or license.

    The implications seem expansive to me, but I do question if not needing as much overhead for brick and mortar buildings, making it more geographically accessible to students, could it also become more economically more accessible? The thought process is similar to that of the cost savings proved to companies who have remote employees working from home. Specifically I am thinking about advanced degrees.

    Great information! Cyndi

  2. Augmented Reality
    Hi Kevin,
    Thank you for your great response! Before I read deeper into the benefits of AR, I was surprised to see that one of the benefits listed for augmented reality was higher retention. Within my department there are mixed feelings about utilizing technology tools in the classroom for beneficial uses. Some feel that it is a distraction and does not create a higher retention rate but creates students to focus less on the actual coursework. I have always begged to differ however, I may a little bias based off my personal experiences with AR, VR, simulations, and other technology tools for educational purposes.
    I also like that you mentioned how companies are utilizing AR within educational settings. I have never thought or heard of instructors wearing virtual tees for students to explore the human body, or Popar that brings charts and toys to life for reading enhancements. It amazes me how much is out there to make subjects more interesting for students.
    Thank you for mentioning the cognitive overload as a limitation! You stated, “One shortcoming that immediately came to mind is information overload.” I believe that is one limitation that many fail to realize. It is important to be aware of the limitations to better prepare when a system crashes or instructors are not prepared to use the tools appropriately. It is also important to have technical and online support for these limitations.
    Aurasma Project
    Your Aurasma project is excellent! I like that utilized the TV studio to report the news through your AR. If you don’t mind, I may utilize this idea for recruitment purposes in Pharmacy! That would be an ideal way to reach students about Cosmetic Science and PharmD program news! I also like that you can make news interesting to students. They report a topic that they wish to share or watch a topic that the teacher assigns. Nice job Kevin
